Why are there so many actively immature people in the workplace?
I say actively immature, because they make an effort to stay that way.
Sometimes the workplace exacerbates a person negative traits.
Having to deal with such immature people is bound to affect employee wellbeing.
Workplace maturity needs to be trained into people, alongside a code of ethics.
It should be enforced vigorously, so much so that bad behaviour sticks out like a sore thumb.
From thermostat wars to political debates, I have seen and experienced it all in the workplace.
Workplace wellbeing must be built on the foundation of emotional maturity, something that can be taught.
Much in the same way that meditation can be taught, so that we are much more aware and in control of our emotions.
Research has shown that regular meditation up-regulates the part of the brain responsible for emotional regulation, the amygdala.
From personal experience, as a regular meditation practitioner, I can confidently say I am much less reactive to triggering situations.
I feel an inner strength, an inner level of control so firm at times, that it feels unshakable.
Of course this requires consistent meditation, using the correct techniques.
Lets look at what your typical untrained brain looks like in the workplace, those employees who are disruptive to the peaceful equilibrium.
Your typical immature employee exhibits the following;
🔷️ Ego
🔶️ Envy
🔷️ Lust
🔶️ Anger
🔷️ Materialism
All of these left unchecked present a HR nightmare.
Again, in the workplace these traits become more noticeable.
Again, with right technique and training, meditation can subdue these negative traits.
For example, research has consistently shown that meditation increases brain production of serotonin and dopamine.
Both of which play a part in out empathetic response and outlook.
Yes, meditation will make your employees and colleagues kinder.
This is a vital step in the direction of employee and workplace wellbeing.